this is what democracy looks like, Franklin Shop windows, Ft Myers, FL,
students: Amalia Boomgaard,Jessica Bouffard, Franklin De La Cruz Gomez, James Fitch, Alejandro Gomez Hernandez, Alexandria Gottsch, Dalton Howard, Adam Lemieux, Lewesa Major, Erica Pagano, Denise Ruiz, Lauren Scott and Noah Thacker
Students’ satirical response to what they perceive to be an absurd political landscape. As they summarized, “We can write to our representatives until our fingers fall off, and call our congressmen and women until they block our numbers but this doesn’t mean that we will receive any rational response to our concerns.”
Performers sat inside a store front display window. Five of them sat on tiny chairs , one stood at a podium with a paper shredder on the ground next to him and one who stood in the storefront window and waved the American flag and paraded back and forth in the window every time a document was shredded. Other students were out combing the streets to gather signatures on ridiculous petitions asking things like whether or not we should call yoga pants "tights" or "yoga pants" and other silly questions. People weren't sure how to respond--it often took them a second to realize it was a joke, when they did, they would usually sign and the student at the podium would ring a bell like they do in the grocery store when you donate, thank them profusely and then shred their signed petition right in front of the viewers.